Baby-Friendly e-Newsletter : Breastfeeding – We Care (Jan 2025)(Chinese Version Only)
January 27, 2025 12:00 pmPlease click here to download the PDF version of the whole article with images. The preview is at the bottom of this.....
Please click here to download the PDF version of the whole article with images. The preview is at the bottom of this.....
Public Health Talk Timetable This page is only available in Traditional Chinese, please click
For the details of the Training courses and activities of Hong Kong Midwives Association, please click:
Please click here to download the PDF version of the whole article with images. The preview is at the bottom of this.....
【🌟新一期 產前產後工作坊】– 奶媽秘技 「 母愛蜜語母乳餵哺朋輩支援計劃」由自然育兒網絡主辦,由接受過培訓及有授乳經驗的媽媽( 母愛蜜語義工大使),以媽媽幫助媽媽的形式,為有意餵哺母乳的懷孕及新手媽媽提供支持、鼓勵,並分享正確的哺乳資訊,藉此增加她們的信心和延長餵哺期。 詳情及報名︰ (包括Online 工作坊) 多個工作坊概覽︰ 1. 產前準備 ✅ 懷孕後期要注意事項 ✅ 計劃餵哺母乳的產前準備 2. 奶媽秘笈 ✅ 親試手擠奶及教授正確姿勢 ✅ 奶量調節及注意事項 3. 哺乳攻略 ✅ 成功餵哺的要訣 ✅ 家人配合及其他注意事項 4. 產後護理.....
Hospital Authority Announcement on Social Media Yesterday The Hospital Authority will establish Hong Kong’s first breast milk bank, recruiting donors.....
Graduates of the Professional Peiyue (Breastfeeding) Certificate Course who have been awarded “Certificate of Passing” are listed in the below link:
Course Introduction The role of “Peiyue” is particularly influential in new mothers’ success in breastfeeding or otherwise. Experienced trainers have.....
Course Introduction The role of “Peiyue” is particularly influential in new mothers’ success in breastfeeding or otherwise. Experienced trainers have.....
(如欲閱讀此文章的中文版本,請 按此 ) The journey of a preterm baby in NICU is often challenging. We, neonatal nurses, are not only providing neonatal.....