Breastfeeding Friendly Premises

Breastfeeding mothers feel more relaxed when they visit premises that are breastfeeding friendly and they are “welcome to breastfeed here”. A Breastfeeding Friendly Premises give out an encouraging and supportive message to reassure mothers that they need not feel anxious or embarrassed about breastfeeding their baby. Breastfeeding Friendly Premises help to reduce the potential barriers to breastfeeding by advocating a woman’s right to breastfeed whenever and wherever she chooses. It is important that mothers should not feel they have to rush home when their baby needs to be fed.

Benefits to businesses

Breastfeeding Friendly Premises do not only benefit breastfeeding mothers but businesses as well.

  •  Attract families by making them feel welcome
  • Breastfeeding mothers are more likely to return time after time
  • Improve customer service thus gain a positive image
  • Provide good publicity and attract new customers

Useful links:

Guide to Establishing Breastfeeding Friendly Premises