
Professional “Peiyue” (Breastfeeding) Certificate Course 2024

Date: 2024-09-12 

Course Introduction The role of “Peiyue” is particularly influential in new mothers’ success in breastfeeding or otherwise. Experienced trainers have been invited to provide a 20-hour training course, which will equip “Peiyue” with the most up-to-date breastfeeding knowledge and information about community resources. It aims to provide them with proper... Read More

Public Health Talk Timetable (Chinese only)

Date: 2024-09-09

Public Health Talk Timetable This page is only available in Traditional Chinese, please click  

Training courses and activities of Hong Kong Midwives Association

Date: 2024-07-01

For the details of the Training courses and activities of Hong Kong Midwives Association, please click:  

International Normal Labour and Birth Research Conference – Hong Kong 2024

Date: 2024-03-23

Please click here for more information Register Now! Organized by: Hong Kong Midwives Association International Normal Labour and Birth Research Conference 2024 Hong Kong (NBC 2024 HK) will be held on 28 – 30 October 2024 at Postgraduate Education Centre, Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong, China.      

「 母愛蜜語母乳餵哺朋輩支援計劃」工作坊 (Chinese Version Only)

Date: 2023-11-01

【🌟新一期 產前產後工作坊】– 奶媽秘技 「 母愛蜜語母乳餵哺朋輩支援計劃」由自然育兒網絡主辦,由接受過培訓及有授乳經驗的媽媽( 母愛蜜語義工大使),以媽媽幫助媽媽的形式,為有意餵哺母乳的懷孕及新手媽媽提供支持、鼓勵,並分享正確的哺乳資訊,藉此增加她們的信心和延長餵哺期。 詳情及報名︰ (包括Online 工作坊) 多個工作坊概覽︰ 1. 產前準備 ✅ 懷孕後期要注意事項 ✅ 計劃餵哺母乳的產前準備 2. 奶媽秘笈 ✅ 親試手擠奶及教授正確姿勢 ✅ 奶量調節及注意事項 3. 哺乳攻略 ✅ 成功餵哺的要訣 ✅ 家人配合及其他注意事項 4. 產後護理 ✅ 媽媽的身心調理(身體、脫髮、進補、傷口等) ✅ 初生嬰的照顧重點 5. 重返職場 ✅ 事前的身心準備 ✅ 揀奶泵、儲奶指引 6. 成長加固 ✅ 了解寶寶的每個發展訊號 ✅ 牙齒及口腔敏感期的應對 —— 奶媽秘技全集(懶人包)